January according to my iphone

 So much was going on in our household in the month of January....
 Brady played lots of basketball.  Brent and Tanner coached the 2nd grade Prosper Eagles.  They had practice twice a week and a game on Saturdays. 

 We celebrated this awesome lady's birthday at our Stake Primary Presidency mtg.  This chicka has been my saving grace for the last 4 and half years.  She is the peanut butter to my jelly, the yin to my yang, the Thelma to my Louise.   I love her so much and can't think of a better person on the planet. 
 We had a snow day in mid January.  Brady made  a snowman with Dad.
 The rest of us worked on a family project that I saw on the 71 toes blog.  I loved the idea and it was the perfect snowy day activity.  Each kid picked a part of the scripture to paint and is going to do a family home evening lesson on that portion.  Tanner picked "a house of prayer".  He painted the word "PRAYER" on the canvas and then gave us an awesome FHE lesson the following monday night on how to make our prayers more meaningful. 
He used this talk here as the foundation. 
Lindsey came and helped out too. She,  being the artistic one of my family. :O)
Here is a copy of the board he used when we brainstormed things we could pray for.  We kept it up for the week to remind us.  He did a great job and I learned alot of things that I can do to improve my personal prayers. 

Jensen went and got her senior pics done.  Here is a preview.
Tanner got a good start on his EAGLE PROJECT. He has decided to do a shoe drive for this charity. For more information about Project Sole see this. He drove out to Carrollton and took pictures of their warehouse and met with the President of the charity to find out what he could do to help and got the project approved through the local BSA. He also spoke with our district's superintendent who told him he could put drop boxes in all the Prosper schools. 

January wasn't exactly stress free for me.  I had to laugh when I saw this on my photo stream.  This was on a very stressful day.  At the end of it, I took this picture and texted it to my sister.  Sometimes a warm bubble bath and people magazine can be a HUGE, helpful distraction. 


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