February according to my iphone

 Reagan's new favorite pasttime is to post "selfies" on instagram.
 I hosted a fun valentine party for the nursery at Institute.
 We had heart shaped sandwiches, chocolate heart shaped pretzels, bananas, and valentine cookies.

 Had lunch with these great ladies just cuz.  We try to get together every few months.
 My kids have decided they like yogurt bar for breakfast.  It's a new favorite with three types of granola, three types of yogurt, and a variety of fruits.  Every once in awhile, Brent makes smoothies too!  Brady LOVES them.
 McKinley and her best friend, Caty,  had fun in the photo booth  at their February book club mtg.
 McKinley and Reagan starred in the "Schoolhouse Rock" production at school.   Several of their friends from church showed up to support them.  Very sweet.  We are so lucky to have the best network of  good friends for them here.
 Brady and Brent did a great FHE lesson on a what it means to be a "House of Learning".  
 We pretty much have decided that this lil guy has a touch of asthma,  Here he is getting a breathing treatment at the Drs. office.  He has an inhaler at school now too.  :O(

 Went to dinner one night at Chilis when kids ate for free.  We love a good deal.
 McKinley apparantly felt like she was having a good hair day on her way to school one morning and decided to document it for posterity.  
 Reagan showed her contrite spirit and performed an act of service for her Dad.  
That girl cracks me up.  I really like her.
Tanner changed the oil in my car for a some extra cash.  He has been doing a little more dating so he likes to earn money any chance he gets.

Our friends,  the Goodrums,  introduced us to the Walking Dead series and we are hooked!
Brent and I watched all three seasons in about two weeks.

In addition to all of this:
Brent was recognized for being one of the top sellers for his company.
He also saved us alot of money by doing several car repairs on my car this month.
I love being married to Mr. Fix-it.
Jensen got accepted to BYUi and has started researching & praying about where she is going to live.
McKinley attended a meeting to tryout for 7th grade cheerleader.
Brady got 8 GOLD stars at school - the most in his class.
Reagan went to 5th grade science camp and loved every minute of it.
Reagan and McKinley both got their round off back hand springs at tumbling class.
and Lindsey, my sister, joined Cooper so she and I have been working out together.  
I have been pretty good about going 4 days a week.
I've also been busy getting ready for girl's camp.  I am in charge of the service project and crafts with one of my dear friends, Sheri.  That, with my stake primary calling are keeping me busy.  On a good note, I sleep like a baby at night.


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