April according to my iphone

 It was Well check month at the Argyle home for me, Tanner, Reagan, and Brady.  I don't mind because it is a chance to take them out of school and spend some one on one time together.  Of course, after the Dr. appt., it is customary that we do SOMETHING fun.  Tanner wanted to go to Baker Brothers for lunch.

 We went swimming with the Goldens one Saturday at Cooper.
 We love our cousins.
 Went prom shopping with this kid and he was in heaven when he saw this Ron Burgundy (anchorman) jacket.  Macie, his date, you owe me!  He almost wore this to prom but I talked him out of it.

 Kade, Tanner, and McKinlee went to see Two Door Cinema Club at the Palladium.

 We enjoyed a fun day in McKinney square and had lunch at the Local Yokel.
 Brady went to a magic show themed birthday party and has since become a budding magician.
 He also taught us a great lesson about Elder Bednar for Family home Evening.

 Reagan and Brady had their well checks and opted for Chocolate shakes and taking the rest of the day off from school.  (Sshhhh...don't tell)

 Tanner's Eagle Scout project is in full swing with a little help from the whole family.

 Had a rare Friday night alone with these two.  Brent was playing golf in a tournament, Tanner had a date, and the girls were at a birthday party so we treated ourselves to Fuddruckers.

And I've been gathering photos for Jensen's table and the slide show at our ward "Senior Night"  We get to honor all of the graduating seniors tomorrow night.  It has given me a chance to reflect once more on what a great girl this is.


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