'daddy"/ daughter dance and college girl

The weekend of the annual daddy daughter dance, Brent was gone to Idaho to take Jensen to college so Tanner offered to take Reagan to the big shindig.

 He even wore a handle bar mustache to get into the western theme.  
 They started the night off by meeting at a family's house for pictures and then everyone went to La Hacienda for dinner.  I think they enjoyed it.  
 And while all that was going on, Brent and Jensen were spending some time in Utah.  She was able to meet two of her favorite authors at a book signing, Julianne Donaldson and Sarah M. Eden.  
 And get her pic with these guys that were dressed as characters from the books.

 First trip to the grocery store for her dorm.  She has a meal plan but they do not provide meals on Sunday so she had to stock up.  

 Here our college girl is with her roommates.  She already reports that they are getting along fabulously.  
Miss you college girl!  But have fun!  Try to study every once in awhile.


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