November 2014 according to my iphone

Wow!  November went by in a flash.
We celebrated McKinley's 14th birthday.

It was Jensen's bday this month too so we sent her a care package of birthday goodies.
 I rarely post pictures of our college girl, because she rarely sends them.  But I stole this off of facebook from a picture she was tagged in.  Apparently they went out for a night on the town to celebrate Jensen's bday.  I was happy to see her wearing the leather jacket we sent her in her birthday box.

 Along with becoming 14, McKinley now gets to attend our church's dances for youth.  We invited any of the boys and girls from our church congregation ages 14-15 to go out to eat before the dance.  I think they had fun.  Here is the cutest group of 14 and 15 year old that I know.
 Get ready for Elder Argyle overload.  (sorry, not sorry!)  I hit the jackpot and got lots of pictures this month.  Here is my happy boy as he enjoys a good home cooked meal from on of the members of the ward he is currently assigned to.
Here is his district at the last transfer day. 
 The field is white, ready to harvest ...
 literally and figuratively
 I took these two cute boys one day to see Big Hero 6 and for a fun lunch at Firehouse subs.
 Poor McKinley got braces.  :O(  Isn't that an awesome picture of her?

 Also had a girl's movie night with 2 of my 3 daughters.  We saw The Theory of Everything.  The acting was remarkable.  I think I see an Oscar in Eddie Redmayne's future.
 The cute car full of kids I carpool to and from school.

 Brent and I spent atleast one night each weekend watching some cute 9 yeear olds play basketball.  Here are two of them enjoying a pre-game meal.
 We ended the month with a wonderful day of Thanksgiving with good food and loved ones.
This picture basically sums up the month.


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