25 random things tag
1. I would rather sleep than eat.
2. I hate watching sports on tv. My hubby loves watching sports on tv. Any sport.
3. Brent and I were married for 5 years before we had our first child.
4. I have a bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education.
5. I have never used my degree.
6. I have my framed degree hanging on my wall in my laundry room.
7. I do a sudoku puzzle in a bubble bath every night before bedtime pretty much without exception.
8. We go out on a date every weekend and have for the last ten years or so.
9. I love doing these little tag games and learning about people.
10. I am a Native Texan and proud of it!
11. I spend WAY TOO MUCH time watching tv.
12. I like to create order out of chaos.
13. I hate JAZZ music. It gives me a headache.
14. I don't particularly care for ice cream.
15. I can pretty much find something to like about everyone.
16. I am happy 99% of the time.
17. I am more laid back than I used to be. 5 kids has done that for me.
18. I believe I am married to my soulmate.
19. My husband is my best friend.
20. When I was a teenager, most of my closer friends were guys because I think chicks can be cruel and mean sometimes.
21. I have had miagraine headaches since I was 4 years old.
22. I know where I came from, why I'm here, and where I'm going after mortality is over.
23. I'm a little bit compulsive about cleanliness. ok ALOT.
24. I want to go back to school and get my masters in psychology and counsel teens.
25. I believe that love can be eternal.