Money DOES NOT grow on trees, however...
There are a few things that I feel strongly about. This is one of them: teaching my children that MONEY is associated with WORK. Aside from the occasional birthday cash they receive from aunts and grandparents, I want them to leave my home understanding that in order to get money you have to EARN it through WORK. NO handouts for being a good kid. There are many things they are asked to do throughout the week; ie make beds, take trash out, help with dishes, meal preparation, etc... They do not get paid for these chores as they are expected of them as "Citizens of the Household". On Saturday mornings it is a different story. We clean the house from top to bottom. We scrub every floor, vacuum every room, straighten every room, wash and fold every bit of laundry, swish and swipe every bathroom. We do this so that on Sunday we can enjoy a day of rest and not feel overwhelmed on Monday morning. We have done this for as long as I can remember having children. This helps...