Tanner writes about his dad

Tanner had an assignment for his english class to write a biography.  He was really struggling with who to write about.  I suggested Brent.  He loved the idea!  Here is the finished product.

My dad, Brent Argyle was born in Huntsville, Utah in 1967 and raised on a horse farm. His humble beginnings were what shaped most of his admirable character. His parents frequently struggled with supporting a family of nine while pursuing a life as farmers and ranchers. My grandparents’ modest home was even given to them by their employer. He and his family were close because they all relied on each other to provide food. He has told me before that he recalls once opening up his family pantry and only finding a box of rice. My dad has never once forgotten where he came from which has made him the meek man that he is today. 

Just about six years ago he was struck instantly with an excruciating headache.  He was hospitalized off and on for three months as doctors tried to diagnose what was wrong.  Despite teams of specialists and neurologists, he still has the same headache six years later.  It has never gone away.  Although he eventually was given a diagnosis, the condition he has is rare and what the medical community has had to offer him has provided little relief. 

Doctors have questioned, “How can he not be clinically depressed?” All of their other patients with chronic, persistent pain need prescriptions for anti-depressants along with their pain meds.  Early into this trial, he knew he had a choice to make:  to be miserable or to make the best out of his health situation. It’s difficult to put myself in his shoes because I can never really know the pain he lives with, but I am astounded by his character. Due to his splitting headache he averages about three to four hours of sleep a night, but he is always patient and has a long-suffering disposition.

Living with a chronic illness is the biggest hurdle of his life but his tender heart has stayed true. My dad has always made time to play catch with my siblings, ask me about my day, labor in the church, and help out around the house. Pushing through the pain to go to work every morning and provide for our family is a struggle every single weekday.  The biggest principle he champions is to not make excuses for doing less. His number one priority has always been our family, and not even the most massive chronic headache in the world has changed that.

My dad makes the most out of his time and he has few selfish desires. He is very charitable in the way he takes interest in other people’s hardships.  Years ago when he was out of work for a period of time, his thoughts turned to those less fortunate and he started a non-profit organization.  My dad recognizes that he isn’t the only one in this world going through a rough patch. His perspective is that there are others that need help and comfort just as much- if not more- than he does.

My dad and I are alike in the way we love to have fun and laugh. He really enjoys playing basketball with me, waterskiing, golfing, and his newfound obsession -racquetball. whether it’s going to a Mavs game or changing brake pads, he is my favorite person to hang out with.   His positive outlook is inspiring and I’m going to try throughout  my life to follow his example.  

One thing I know has aided his outlook has been his faith in God.  Our family believes that his illness is merely a test, which has given him a great deal of hope for the future. Although it can be tough at times, my dad has admitted his obstacles have really been a blessing.  He has become a more sensitive and nurturing father and husband and more compassionate toward others.  

From watching my dad I have learned that good things come with patience. Ambition is key to success. I have learned the true meaning of strength.  Never take life too seriously.  Think of others.  Think positively.  With God, nothing is impossible.


Anonymous said…
This is beautifully written, he did a great job!
Chesney said…
Great job! Truly inspiring.

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