If you're looking for a good excuse to not do housework...

Let me suggest this:
The Color Code.

Some of you know I want to go into this field someday. This book has been so helpful to me over the years in so many ways. (It started with a book about 10 years ago, the Dr. who wrote it is LDS and it was on the best seller list for a long time...) Anyway, you take the test and find out what type of personality you are. There are four types (RED, YELLOW, BLUE, WHITE). There is not a best color. All the colors have strengths and weaknesses. You will probably not be ALL one color but you will generally have a dominant color. I am 67% BLUE. The idea behind it is that the Savior was the best of each of the colors. We should try to overcome our weak areas and capitalize on our strengths. It takes about 15 minutes and it is free. You can sign up for the extended analysis (which costs money) but if you do the test and comment me with what color you are I will email you the packet I have created about the personality types. I have taught this class many times and have ALOT of info on all of the colors. Have your hubbies take it too, just for fun.

Here is the part that I think is so cool: It helps you know what strengths and weaknesses you have, and clearly helps you identify areas to work on. It also can aid your understanding of relationships or personalities that you may struggle with. As an example, it really helped me understand my hubby who is a total YELLOW (think: play! play! play!) and I am a BLUE (think: work! work! work!). BLUES and YELOWS are opposites. Once I identified what motivated him it helped me to understand him so much. Now I know that in order to get him to help me around the house, I offer to do something fun with him afterward.

Its also helped me when working with people in callings: REDS love to be in charge, YELLOWS like to be the center of attention, etc. WHITES are peacemakers and can work well with anyone.

When I was in YW we did this as a class for moms and daughters and many of the moms said it was a turning point in understanding their daughters better and thus improving their interaction.

For me, it has been helpful in disciplining, relating to my children. I have two blues, a red, and two yellows.

Click here:

Take the test, and if you want more info comment to me what color you are and i will send you the packet. REMEMBER THERE IS NO BEST COLOR TO HAVE.


Anonymous said…
I think this is a great thing. It does help you understand about your spouse and others! I loved when we did it in our Primary Presidency:) we all know I am more RED than anything but have a lot of BLUE too! E-mail me the packet just so I can have it on file in case I ever want to use it :)

Molly and I are doing the park/ sprinkler thing again this week. Let me know if you want the date and time:)
shahna said…
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Anonymous said…
didnt you do something like this for a "P" night? sounds fun!
Sarah said…
i case you haven't noticed i am totally obsessed with personality tests :D
My family started doing this test when I was like 12 or something. I am believe it or not an equal white/blue. Not the best combo in my opinion but I guess it works for me! My husband is almost completely white! Makes for very interesting when we are trying to make a decision!
here's my email address so you can add me to your friends...
Also, guess who I just got email from...
Tom Summerhayes & Clay Neves. Can you believe that?
The A Team said…
RED RED RED. no crossing into another color. i'm not that surprised, i'm a bossy-pants...always have been.
The A Team said…
p.s. what's housework?
Hey, My mom has this book too! I am a Yellow, but I have almost equal amounts of blue and red...Maris is white. Send me the packet!! (Please) Do you remember my email address?
Blakeley said…
I love these things...i took the test and it only said 37% blue..what does this mean? that i am a mix of all the colors. there were question marks in the other color colomns. I guess im a modgepodge..haha. let me know. blakeley :)
Rach said…
I'm white. Yes, I want to ride to book club together. Talk to you soon.
Jess said…
I am about 78% blue. I guess I can get a bit emotional :)
Brianne said…
I have taken this test a few times, but I did the online one for fun. Same results of course... 68% white. I know from past tests that almost all the rest of that percentage would be blue with a little yellow, and NO red at all! John is definitely a red all the way. Opposites attract? I'd love to get the packets from you to refresh my memory as to what it all means... very interesting!
Natalie said…
58.5% Blue...I would love the packet. Thanks!
The A Team said…
http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/ here's the website i was talking about. and i would LOVE the packet.
I'm 40.53% Blue. I'd love the packet to learn more! Thanks!

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