Just cuz I wanna have it documented next time they are at each other's throats

What each Argyle wrote to the other Argyles:

(from Tanner)
to Jensen: "You are an awesome townsperson. (referring to her stint in the school play, Beauty and the Beast). "I love to watch you swim." (I think he is saying it is entertaining to watch her swim which doesn't sound like much of a compliment to me!)
to Brady: "you are so cool. I love your fun personality. You are a good little reader."
to McKinley: "Your an awesome point gaurd!"
to Reagan: "You are the coolest third grader I know. I love your swag."
To Dad: "Your an awesome Young Men's leader. I love your lessons ALOT!"
to Mom: "I love your warm personality. You always accomodate other people before yourself. and I like your pinky toes" (inside joke)

From Jensen:
to Mom: "I love to watch Law and Order with you."
to Brady: "I love when you read to me!"
to Reagan; "I love your confidence"
to McKinley: " I love that you are such a good big sister"
to Dad: "I love your chocolate chip pancakes"
to Tanner: " I love to hear you play the piano"

From McKinley:
to Tanner: " You have a great personality1"
to mom: "I love you because you take care of us and clean up after us"
to Jensen: "You are really good at sharing"
to Dad: "You are so sweet"
to Brady: " I love how you always want to play with me even when I am mean to you."
to Reagan: "You are so thoughtful"

from Reagan:
to Brady: "You always want to do something fun."
to Daddy: I love you because you go fishing with me."
to Mommy: "I love your sunggles"
to Jensen: " I love you because you are always doing the right thing"
to Tanner:I love you because you are smart and funny. You are also very fun to be with."
to McKinley: "You are always happy"

From Brady: (In his original "inventive" spelling)
to Dad: "I lic dad bcuz he cars" (I like Dad because he cares)
to Mom: "I lic Mom bcuz she max dinr"
to Tanner: "I lic Tanr bcuz he is smrt"
to Jensen: "I lic Jsen bcuz she pts on movies"
to McKinley: " I lic mcile bcuz she is nis"
to Reagan: "I lic Ragin bcuz she plas sopr smash bro wi mey" (super smash brother with me)

From Mom:
to Jensen: "You always have a smile on your face and a great attitude"
to Tanner: "You are a good example to aLL of us- especially me...and you make me laugh"
to McKinley: "You are so easy to love. You are one of the most tender-hearted people I know. I love to snuggle with you."
Reagan: "I love your moxie. You make me smile."
to Brady: "You are so smart. I love it when you read to me. You are also a good friend."
to Brent: "I love you because you love me unconditionally - even when I'm grouchy."

From Brent:
to Jensen: "Your honestly and integrity are an example to everyone. i love you"
to Tanner: "I love that you are spiritual Giant and that you know ans understand when you feel the Spirit. I love that you are not ashamed of the Gospel and stand for what you believe."
to McKinley: "You are so responsible and yet you love to have fun. I love that you are always wanting to do something, to get better, and to be the best that you can be."
to Reagan: "I love to watch you sing and dance. You are such a fun girl. You are alwasy the first to give me hugs and snuggles".
to Brady: "I love that you are such a daddy's boy. I love to fish and ride bikes with you."
to me: "I love that you are so patient. I am so grateful that you help me be a better person. I am also grateful for your compassion."


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