
What are the odds that when you are getting a new roof, you might step on a roofing nail?

Apparantly pretty good.

Because I did.

After the fact, my roofer estimated that 12,000 nails came down with my old, hail damaged roof. They ended up all over my drive way, yard, and sidewalk.

I just happened to step on one.

It went through my flip flop. (Yes, I was wearing flip flops, not one of my better moments) It also went about an inch into the heel of my foot. In case you are wondering it hurts. It also makes for a really lame date night to spend it at the ER getting a tetanus shot.

And although I should be the one getting a note to release me from participating in P.E., I found this in Reagan's room.

Do you think the P.E. teacher fell for it?

When I asked Reagan about it she said that she lost the note I actually-validly- wrote for her so she wrote this one in it's place. Likely excuse.


Amanda said…
oh man....OUCH! We had a new roof put on our old house when it hailed once and I never remember seeing one nail left on the ground?! Maybe I blocked the whole event out...I had just brought P home the day they started on our roof.
Funny note;)
and yes--I know all Mother's feel that way...I try not to beat myself up too much. I just always think I am never really doing good enough for these little people...but I am trying my best and that's all I can do. Thanks;)

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