awards and accolades

At our awards ceremony on Friday Reagan was recognized for achievement in Language Arts (she is a big time reader like her mom) and again by the Art teacher for achievement in Art (which she MUST get from Dad cuz' I haven't got an artsy bone in my body and we seem to have a few kids with that ability).

McKinley was recognized with the certificate of citizenship for Outstanding Behavior.


Kim said…
WOW! That is great! Congrats to both girls.
Shahna, you are very artsy & crafty!
Juli said…
Thanks for the "cookie pops" (I think that's what they're are called). The kids acted so much better the last few minutes of the class waiting for their treat. There were 2 left over so I gave them to my kids. Hope you don't care. They loved them. Aubryn thought that they were just the greatest things ever.
Juli said…
Thanks for the "cookie pops" (I think that's what they're are called). The kids acted so much better the last few minutes of the class waiting for their treat. There were 2 left over so I gave them to my kids. Hope you don't care. They loved them. Aubryn thought that they were just the greatest things ever.
shahna said…
no problem, Juli. It would have been a debacle to try to decide who of my 5 should get the remaining 2 cookie pops. :O)
Kelly said…
Whatever, Shahna! You are totally artsy!!! What awesome girls!!!

She's an Iams girl...Sweetie has had the joy of pig's ears, but I don't think that Zoey has ever indulged!

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